Take and share wind reports anywhere!
The WeatherFlow Wind Meter is an anemometer that fits in your pocket. It
works with Android & iOS devices like iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPads to show wind
speed, direction, average and gusts.
To use the WeatherFlow Wind Meter, you just download the free app for iOS or
Android and plug in your wind meter to your smartphone AUX (or headset) jack.
It's really that easy. Then you hold it up high facing into the wind. Your
phone does the rest by recording the wind speed (average and gust), wind
direction and location. You can easily share onsite reports with
WeatherFlow, Instagram, Vine, Twitter, SMS, Email, or Facebook.
The Wind Meter, although not a scientific instrument, is designed to be
better than any other handheld anemometer on the market. It's operating range
extends from the smallest puff (2 mph) to well over hurricane force winds (125
mph). Calibrated at the University of Florida's Aerospace Engineering
Department, the WeatherFlow Wind Meter is accurate to the larger of +/- 0.5% of
the reading or 0.2 mph at up to 15 degrees off-axis. That means even if you don't hold
it directly into the wind, you'll still get very accurate wind speed
WeatherFlow Wind Meter Features:
- Compatible with iPhone, iPad, iPod, and all major Android devices
- Records the wind speed (average, lull and gust), wind direction and location
- Accurate to the larger of +/- 0.5% of the reading or 0.1 m/s (0.2 mph) at up to 15 degrees off-axis
- Reads in meters/second, miles/hour, knots, kilometers/hour, & beaufort scale
- Range is from 1 m/s (2 mph) to 56 m/s (125 mph)
- User programmable for MPH or Meter per second
- Resolution is 0.1 m/s (0.1 mph)
- Rugged and eco-friendly packaging that serves as a reusable storage case
- Share onsite reports with WeatherFlow, Instagram, Vine, Twitter, SMS, Email, and Facebook
- WeatherFlow Wind Meter is compatible with the following apps: iWindsurf, Fishweather, Sailflow, WindAlert, and iKitesurf.
Smartphone not included